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Occurrence and Production of Tantalum
Tantalum occurs principally in the minerals tantalite [(Fe, Mn) Ta2O6], microlite, and euxenite (other minerals: samarskite, and fergusonite).
Tantalum ores are mined in Ethiopia, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Canada, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, Portugal, Malaysia and Thailand.
Tantalite is largely found mixed with columbite in an ore called coltan. Ethical questions have been raised about human rights and endangered wildlife, due to the exploitation of resources in the conflict regions of the Congo.
Several complicated steps are involved in the separation of tantalum from niobium. Commercially viable production of this element can follow one of several different methods which includes; electrolysis of molten potassium fluorotantalate, reduction of potassium fluorotantalate with sodium, or by reacting tantalum carbide with tantalum oxide. Tantalum is also a byproduct from tin smelting.